The Book
What do you do if your beloved furry companion is diagnosed with cancer and your
veterinarian has no curative treatment to offer?
Tanya Harter Pierce has been a researcher and writer in the field of alternative healing for 20 years. Her first book, OUTSMART YOUR CANCER: Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work, began as research to help a family member with cancer and later became a popular resource for anyone looking into treatment options other than chemotherapy and radiation. To her great joy, many people have reported that the information in that book saved their life. (For more information, visit
In her latest book, Outsmart Your Pet’s Cancer, Tanya now provides you with information on how to give an affordable non-toxic herbal remedy to your pet. This remedy called Essiac or Essiac Tea is actually a powerful cancer treatment that has been used by tens of thousands of people since the early 1930s. Essiac has been sold for decades to cancer patients in the U.S., Canada, Australia, England and other countries and dozens of books have been written about it as a non-toxic approach to cancer. But, until now, no one has specifically focused a book on using Essiac for pets.
Tanya’s goal is always to provide as much practical information to readers as possible and, in this book, she presents twenty-two recovery cases of dogs and cats given Essiac — heartwarming stories that are largely told in the owners’ own words and reveal how the Essiac was administered in each case and what happened thereafter. Also included is a look at the history of Essiac, tips on how to use Essiac effectively, and other issues that a pet owner should know for optimum success with their dog or cat!